After finishing an amazing tour of the Southeast and Midwest this spring, I've been home working non-stop on Carrie Rodriguez' next endeavor called the Sacred Heart Project. In her words it is "a bilingual labor of love." Designing the website, creating the videos, managing the fundraising campaign, and writing/demoing the new music has been a much enjoyed season of creation. Speaking of creating, during a recent performance at the Cactus Cafe here in Austin, TX, Carrie and I were elated to announce to the world that we are expecting our first baby due at the end of September! I'm going to be a Dad and couldn't be more excited! My fingers are definitely crossed hoping for those curls. Be well friends...
Luke Jacobs
It's been raining here in Lexington, KY ever since we arrived, but I guess it could be worse. Last week they received 17" of snow and the remnants of it are still steaming and melting away. I want to thank WUKY for having Carrie Rodriguez and I on the station today, and for spinning a track off of 'Velvet After Feel.' I've really enjoyed playing these new songs that Carrie and I have been working up - especially the tunes in Spanish. This morning at A Cup of Common Wealth coffee shop when asked the inevitable "What kind of music do y'all play?" we answered with "Indie-Folk-Mexicana?" And then upon further questioning replied, "you know, like Ameri-Chicana."
It's a rich life... keep it smooth folks.
The Release of Velvet After Feel
Radio Interview with Bruce Winter
First Radio Spin
Brian Griffith over at KRCB just gave Velvet After Feel its very first radio spin playing the song "Remembering" for his North Bay audience in California. Pretty thrilling to hear something you've written, performed, & recorded coming back at you over the airwaves. Thanks Brian!